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Rep. Hank Johnson Hosting Afro Latinx Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Actor Danny Glover special guest at film screening & panel discussion

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04) announced today that he is hosting an Afro-Latinx film screening and panel discussion at this year’s Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference (CBCALC). 

For the past two years, Congressman Johnson has hosted a film screening to highlight the works and narratives of Black people. This year’s screening will focus specifically on Afro Latinx experiences by showcasing three short films that show the uniqueness of Afro-Latinos while also underscoring the commonalities that exist between their black brothers and sisters across the world. The Congressman is actively engaged with issues that impact the Latinx community, and this filming will serve as a precursor for our panel discussion and help inform some of the Congressman’s legislative priorities in the 116th Congress.


WHO: Congressman Hank Johnson, Actor Danny Glover, more than 80 guests and participants;

WHAT: Short Films 1. ‘‘On Our Land’: Being Garifuna in Honduras”, featuring Director Erica Renee Harding; 2. “Silent Scream”, featuring Activist Marino Cordoba; 3. “I, A Black Woman, Resist”, featuring Director Dr. Sharrelle Barber;

WHERE: Busboys & Poets: 450 K Street, Washington, D.C.

WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 5-8 PM;


WHO: Congressman Hank Johnson; moderator & special guest Ramona Houston, actor and activist Danny Glover, LGBTI activist Alessandra Ramos; Douglas Belchior, UNEAFRO; Marino Cordoba — International Coordinator for the Afro-Colombian Peace Council; Richard Moreno Rodríguez — Delegated Attorney for Ethnic Matters in the Office of the Attorney General of Colombia; Rony Castillo, a scholar and activist of the Garifuna community; Johana Guicel Bermudez Lacayo, Member of Congress for the department of Francisco Morazan, from the Partido Nacional de Honduras;

WHAT: The Decade of the Diaspora; A conversation on the Afro-descendant experience in Latin America.

WHERE: Walter E. Washington Convention Center room 143A;

WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 12 1:30-3:30 PM.

FOR MORE: Evelyn Knapp: evelynknapp18@gmail.com; Work: (202) 407-3238; Cell: (404) 561-6891. Chelsea Grey: (202) 329-1387;
