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Congressman Supports Violence Against Women Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Johnson submitted this speech for the record on September 26, 2018. 

I rise in support of the H.R. 6545, the Violence Against Women Act. 

Today, more than ever, it is clear we as a nation must do more to protect our women and girls. The #MeToo Movement has made it increasingly obvious that we are failing as a country to properly address and prevent sexual assault. Sexual violence is a particularly prevalent among women of color, who are often times victims to an oppressive combination of racism and sexism. Statistics show that by the age of 18, approximately 40% of black women report coercive sexual contact, and that Native American women are almost two times as likely to be assaulted than their white peers.

Today, I find it exceptionally important to stand as an ally to women, as Republicans attempt to push through a Supreme Court nominee who has been accused of sexual violence. I stand with my female colleagues and women across the country when I say – time’s up. We must believe women and ensure our laws protect their safety and equality.

I support the Violence Against Women Act and I urge all of my colleagues to do the same.
