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SCOTUS: Friend Or Foe?

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For this year’s Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference (CBB ALC) Congressman Johnson will once again explore the critical need for court reform.

The Congressman’s CBC ALC panel SCOTUS: Friend Or Foe? will explore the current state of the ethics-challenged 6-3 MAGA supermajority on the U.S. Supreme Court, which has shown particular contempt for precedent and progress by rolling back voting rights, reproductive rights, affirmative action in higher education, and key consumer and environmental protections — all in service to their billionaire friends and special interests. We now have the best Court money can buy. But the American people deserve a Court that cannot be sold to the highest bidder. Recent controversies surrounding two of the right-wing architects of this assault, Justices Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito, prove why court reform is needed NOW more than ever. To protect liberty, freedom and democracy for all, Congress must act. Requiring the Court to adopt a code of conduct with an enforcement mechanism, imposing term limits, and expanding the Court will restore proper balance to the system of checks and balances, which undergirds our democracy. Supreme Court Reform Now will protect our democracy and our planet before it is too late.